In the original Star Wars movie, Obi-Wan Kenobi challenges Darth Vader and allows himself to be struck down by Darth's light saber. Obi-Wan then becomes "more powerful than you can ever imagine". From then on he is no longer merely a regular physical presence in Luke Skywalker's life as a Jedi, but he is an ever-present spiritual advisor - a part of The Force - in Luke's mind.
Now that Oprah has ended "Oprah" after 25 years of providing daily guidance and life-changing television, she is not gone, but has actually become even more powerful than we ever imagined with the launch of her OWN network. She is not just on for an hour each weekday, she has a round-the-clock forum through which to guide, inspire, and mold us - her faithful devotees.
"Let go your feelings! Write them in your Gratitude Journal!"
"Feel the force of your own instinct - listen to yourself - as a woman you are powerful and wise!"
"Focus on your best life and surround yourself with your favorite things!"
Okay, so that last line was Darth Vader not Obi-wan Kenobi, but you get the picture.
Actually... maybe Oprah is Darth...